We are excited to announce that the first Synergetic Press edition of the Grandmothers’ book, Grandmothers' Wisdom: Living Portrayals from the International Council of Thirteen Indigenous Grandmothers will launch at the We Are All Related: Unearthing the Roots of Our Shared Humanity event in Santa Fe, NM, from October 24-27, 2024. 

“Grandmothers’ Wisdom shows us that in spite of centuries of attempts to build an empire of man over lesser creatures, grandmothers have kept the reverence for all creation alive. Their stories are stories of resilience and a sacred journey that teaches us to live as members of an earth family, with veneration for all our relatives. This work declares that the earth is living, that we are not separate from the earth—we are a strand in the web of life, we are members of one earth family, and all beings are our relatives.” ~ Vandana Shiva

Grandmothers’ Wisdom is a vibrant tribute to the lives of the International Council of Thirteen Indigenous Grandmothers, an unprecedented global alliance of elders who came together in 2004 to protect our planet in crisis and envision a future for the next seven generations. With a foreword by Vandana Shiva, an introduction by Henrietta Mann, and tributes to the grandmothers who have passed on, this special work is a living portrayal of the grandmothers’ upbringing, their encounters with the violence of colonialism and forced assimilation, their awakening to fierce activism, and the ceremonial practices they carry forward from their lineages with tenacity, grace, and devotion.

The book launch will coincide with the celebration of the 20th anniversary of the International Council of Thirteen Indigenous Grandmothers.